Monday, October 6, 2008

All is well

We went and looked at both houses on Friday and Sunday. We liked both but the one was a little bit bigger so we are going for it. The listing agent said they didn't think there were any other interested parties so that was in our favor. We completed the application and gave a hold deposit and should know by tomorrow if you are going to be able to move or not. Lets hope so!!

I have been feeling lots of activity the last week. It is kind of neat to know that they are moving around in there. I have 2 doctor appointments this week. Can't wait to see our little bean and burrito again.

Friday, October 3, 2008

On the House Hunt.....Again

So we found out earlier this week that my mom's room mate/friend is moving out. She is going to travel around the country. My mom now needs to sell her house and fast because she can no longer afford to live there on her own. Why don't we just move there you ask? Well the school district kinda sucks and I don't think it is fair to pull Nykolas out of school and away from all of his friends he has had since kindergarten to move him to a sucky school. We will hopefully have the house on the market no later than December and we can off load it quickly. In the mean time Elliott and I are looking for a 3 bedroom place to rent until mom's house is gone, she will then move in with us and we will buy a 4-5 bedroom place or somewhere that has an in-law suite.

I am already stressed out with all of this new stuff going on. I haven't been able to sleep and my mind keeps running numbers through it all day and night. I just want it to be over and for everything to work out quickly. Like before I have to leave work in December. Is there a pill I can take for that?

On the baby side. I am now 19 weeks....just about half way there (if I were to go til 40 weeks). My shower invites have been ordered and Elliott and I started a registry at Babies R Us. We will also be going to WalMart to register for some things too. But we got some really great stuff at the MoM's sale last weekend. I can't wait till we have babies to use it.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Stuff, Stuff, Stuff.

Over the past week I have been experiencing what I believe to be Braxton Hicks contractions very sporadically. It is mostly when I am sitting up during the day at work. I called the doctor and they told me if I have more than 4 in an hour I will need to come in or go to the hospital depending on what time of day it is. Thankfully that hasn't happened.....yet.

I also have some nice pictures (sorry for the spots on the mirror) of what my belly looks like being 17 week pregnant with twins . . .

It is hard to believe that I started out looking like this . . . . .

I will be happy if I ever look like that again : )!! I am getting excited for this coming weekend. My mom and I are headed to a baby gear sale my MoM's club is having. I hope to find some good deals on some great stuff. Speaking of deals my mom was at a thrift store the other day and bought a Peg Perego double stroller with infant seats/bases for $60. The seats alone retail for about $200 each.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Now it's boys???

Well I have now had a dream that we are going to have 2 boys. The suspense of not knowing is killing me!!! In my dream we named them Dylan and Logan and I couldn't remember Dylan's name (bad mom I know but it was a dream).

While I am on the subject of gender(s) I have decided that I am not going to disclose the gender(s) of the babies until my shower. I do have good reasoning for this which may be selfish but I think it is logical. After talking with MANY other MoM's and going to recent baby showers I have found that when the gender of a baby is known most gifts end up being clothes. And while clothes are necessary I would rather receive more practical items like diapers or a stroller.

I am going to have my 3rd blood draw on Thursday (oh how I can't wait for this)....this is the 2nd half of my sequential screening (birth defects) and while I am there I am going to schedule my anatomy scan. And not to rub it in but we will find out the gender(s) then. I think the toughest part of my decision is going to be keeping my mouth shut and having Elliott do the same.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Nursery Ideas

I am sitting at work this Saturday with not much to do so I decided to start looking at ideas for a nursery (even though we don't have one yet). I really like the idea of keeping it gender neutral especially since we still don't know if we have b/g, g/g, or b/b twins.
I started looking at google images of nursery's and really like having green and yellow. Here are some pictures of what I found so far . . .

We will be getting white cribs hopefully similar to the third picture....we may even be able to find them at one of the upcoming rummage sales for the local MoM's (moms of multiples) clubs. I continued searching for more inspiration and doing so I came across this photo and now I think I am in love.I don't think you can get anymore gender neutral then Bumble Bees. So I continued my hunt for Bumble Bee Nursery's and I found this bedding on ebay and there are 3 available in the ebay store. I am waiting on 'approval' from Elliott before I place my bid. This set comes with everything in the picture except the lamp and the mobile and the bidding starts at $49.99 and they are returnable with a refund if we don't like them.

Friday, September 12, 2008

16 Week Update

Went to the doctor on Wednesday morning. It was a lot of fun. We had our regular ultra sound and I asked the doctor to look to see if she could tell us the gender(s). NO LUCK. Baby A was in an awkward position and baby B had it's legs crossed (damn kids are already not cooperating). I have my next appt. Oct. 8th and my anatomy scan around that time so we should find out the gender(s) then. I can honestly say that I have had 3 dreams so far that they are both girls but, I am not seeing pink or blue yet.

I also found out that my last day of work will be in 12 weeks (Dec. 5th) and I will be put on modified home bed rest which is pretty much house arrest. I should be able to occasionally use the stairs during the day as well as do light cleaning (dishes & laundry) and go out once in a while but that is pretty much it. Thankfully Elliott will be on the 'day/2nd shift' and home until 2:00 pm everyday and all day on Mondays if something should happen and to help out around the house.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pain, Pain go away!!!

The last 2 days have not been very fun. Yesterday morning I sneezed and got a sharp pain in the center of my lower abdomen (which happens often) but the pain would not go away. It still hurts when I get up and walk around. I am also having lower back pain. All I want to do is sleep and eat, I feel like that is all I do anymore. If this is any indication of what is to come I am in trouble!!

We finally got our storage locker and put a bunch of stuff in it this weekend. My mom came over to help us because I can not lift heavy objects. Our bedroom feels twice the size now and the living room and dining/play room are much more clutter feels good!

I have also been talking to my mom about a baby shower and I think we have a good date. I am excited to help her plan the party and as soon as we find out the sex(es) we will be going to register for the baby stuff we are going to need....which is pretty much everything!

Friday, August 22, 2008

37 weeks to go

But probably really on 33 more weeks. I am officially 13 weeks pregnant today! My morning sickness has gotten worse over the last 2 weeks and it is really starting to suck! I hate getting sick or feeling like I am going to be sick.

This weekend is going to be busy with packing up stuff to put in storage and cleaning around the needs it, Elliott been working the past few weekends so he was not around to help out and I have just been too tired. We are also heading to Elliott's dad's tomorrow evening for a party and then to my girlfriend Jen's on Sunday for bunch (after church). Then it is back to work.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm a bad blogger

So I know I haven't updated in a while...been really busy. So here we go, I will try not to overwhelm you.

We are not moving, at least not until the babies are here. It is too stressful for me to deal with 'losing' houses so we decided to just suck it up and keep on saving so we can just buy a house instead of lease to own.

I have had 2 more appointments in the last 2 weeks. Everything with the babies is going VERY well. They are growing nicely and are active. We have given the babies names...bean (baby A) and burrito (baby B). Here are the latest u/s pictures.

They are laying 'bunk bed' style. Their heart rates are great at 153 bpm and are about 2.5 inches long now.

As for me, I am now in my 'new home' at Limerick and am loving the 8 mile drive to and from work...only 15 minutes each way. It is saving a ton of money on gas which is nice on our wallets.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hopeful to move

AAAHHHH!!! I am so freaking excited right now I can hardly stand it. Elliott and I went to look at a house yesterday and I AM IN LOVE (again)!!!! Awesome, awesome, awesome is all I can say. This house has it all for an unbelievable price tag. Full finished walkout basement w/ powder room, eat in kitchen, formal dining room w/ wood fireplace, living room, sliders to big deck off kitchen. Then upstairs there are 3 bedrooms with huge master walk-in closet & bathroom with jacuzzi tub and stall shower, a 2nd full bath, and to top it off there is a finished loft that can be used as a 4th bedroom....where Nykolas will sleep. A total of 1680 sq. ft.

We are working up a lease to own and are hoping to move in beginning Aug. 23rd....anyone available to help???? There is so much more that I didn't even list...don't want to bore anyone. We really can not wait to finally have a place of our own!! Here is a picture of our potential new home.

On the babies side. We are 8w 1d. I am feeling pretty good. Still tired and a little sick in the AM but both are to be expected.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Our Pregnancy was a short one

Elliott and I were married on May 3, 2008. We knew before we got married that we wanted to have more kids (2 more)...little did we know that we would get both at one time.

We decided at the end of May that we weren't going to wait until Sept. to start trying because there was a 25% chance each cycle that we would get pregnant. Well Fertile Mertile and the Super Swimmers got it on the 1st try and boy did we really GET IT! We got our positive pregnancy test on June 17th.
The 1st OB visit turned out to be very interesting!! Filled out all the paperwork, checked height and weight, then there was the u/s. The Dr. did the first on on my stomach and we immediately found 1 heartbeat. She kept looking around and saw a 2nd sac but didn't see anything which prompted her to do an internal u/s. Again saw 2 sacs easily but only one HB. After a little more 'digging' she found a very faint second HB. Yep we are having twins.