Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pain, Pain go away!!!

The last 2 days have not been very fun. Yesterday morning I sneezed and got a sharp pain in the center of my lower abdomen (which happens often) but the pain would not go away. It still hurts when I get up and walk around. I am also having lower back pain. All I want to do is sleep and eat, I feel like that is all I do anymore. If this is any indication of what is to come I am in trouble!!

We finally got our storage locker and put a bunch of stuff in it this weekend. My mom came over to help us because I can not lift heavy objects. Our bedroom feels twice the size now and the living room and dining/play room are much more clutter feels good!

I have also been talking to my mom about a baby shower and I think we have a good date. I am excited to help her plan the party and as soon as we find out the sex(es) we will be going to register for the baby stuff we are going to need....which is pretty much everything!

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