Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Now it's boys???

Well I have now had a dream that we are going to have 2 boys. The suspense of not knowing is killing me!!! In my dream we named them Dylan and Logan and I couldn't remember Dylan's name (bad mom I know but it was a dream).

While I am on the subject of gender(s) I have decided that I am not going to disclose the gender(s) of the babies until my shower. I do have good reasoning for this which may be selfish but I think it is logical. After talking with MANY other MoM's and going to recent baby showers I have found that when the gender of a baby is known most gifts end up being clothes. And while clothes are necessary I would rather receive more practical items like diapers or a stroller.

I am going to have my 3rd blood draw on Thursday (oh how I can't wait for this)....this is the 2nd half of my sequential screening (birth defects) and while I am there I am going to schedule my anatomy scan. And not to rub it in but we will find out the gender(s) then. I think the toughest part of my decision is going to be keeping my mouth shut and having Elliott do the same.

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