Friday, September 12, 2008

16 Week Update

Went to the doctor on Wednesday morning. It was a lot of fun. We had our regular ultra sound and I asked the doctor to look to see if she could tell us the gender(s). NO LUCK. Baby A was in an awkward position and baby B had it's legs crossed (damn kids are already not cooperating). I have my next appt. Oct. 8th and my anatomy scan around that time so we should find out the gender(s) then. I can honestly say that I have had 3 dreams so far that they are both girls but, I am not seeing pink or blue yet.

I also found out that my last day of work will be in 12 weeks (Dec. 5th) and I will be put on modified home bed rest which is pretty much house arrest. I should be able to occasionally use the stairs during the day as well as do light cleaning (dishes & laundry) and go out once in a while but that is pretty much it. Thankfully Elliott will be on the 'day/2nd shift' and home until 2:00 pm everyday and all day on Mondays if something should happen and to help out around the house.

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