Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Still Pregnant

I am at 35.5 weeks pregnant! What an accomplishment. My next goal is to make it to my scheduled c-section in 2 weeks.

I had a growth scan yesterday and everything looked good. Baby A (Logan) has an est. weight of 4lbs 15oz and Baby B (Dylan) has and est. weight of 5lbs. 4oz. We asked the doctor his thoughts if they would get much bigger before the big day and he didn't sound to confident that they would grow much more. So, I came home and washed some of the preemie stuff I was hoping to return.

I have an appointment at the OB tomorrow and a non stress test at the hospital. I have been having lots of trouble walking, standing up and turning from side to side while laying down. I have done some research of my symptoms and think I may have Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) which is when the body releases excess hormones and your pelvic/pubic ligaments and joints stretch too much.

Other than that we have been working a little bit on the nursery and we put the stroller together. Everything else is pretty much ready to go.

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