Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's been awhile

What can I say? We have been SUPER busy the last few months I have not had any time to update on what is going on. So here is what we have . . .

We have moved into a bigger house. It is hard getting used to all the extra space we have but once the babies are here I am sure all that space will be gone.

I am now 33 weeks along. Both of the babies are breech and have been for 2 months now. We talked to the doctor at my appointment last week and we decided that we are just going to schedule a c-section. So when we go in for my 34 week appt we will be given a birthdate. Here is what I look like now.

That belly is 42" around and measuring about 37 weeks pregnant. As you can see my shirts don't cover my belly all the way.

At my last growth scan both of the babies looked great! Baby A weighted approx. 3lbs 10oz and baby B weighted approx 3lbs 12oz. The next growth scan is scheduled for Jan. 26th

I am also home on modified bedrest until delivery to avoid preterm labor. So I mostly just sit at home and rest while Nykolas is at school and Elliott is at work.

I have a bunch of ultra sound pictures that I have to scan into the computer so I can post them for everyone to see. I guess that is pretty much it for now.

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