Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Houston we have a birthday

At our last OB appointment we were able to schedule our c-section. We went in with the idea of having the boys born on Feb. 16th, it worked for every one's work and school schedules. Well the doctor told us they could only schedule the surgery on a Tuesday or Thursday. So when we were done with the exam the doctor sent us to meet with the surgery coordinator. As soon as we sat down she told us we could schedule as early as Feb. 10th. Elliott and I looked at each other and said okay the 10th it is! So as long as these little babies don't decide to come before then they will be making their debut in exactly 3 weeks from today.

So with the birthday scheduled we have been kind of rushing to get all the last minute things finished. My mom took me to Babies R Us on Friday afternoon where we spent about 2 hours picking out a stroller and some other little odds and ends. We are now just waiting for the cribs to get here and set them up.

It is really hard to believe that in just 3 short weeks we will be able to hold Logan and Dylan. And I am sure our lives will become even more chaotic then they are already.

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