Saturday, February 7, 2009

3 more days

Only 3 more days until our boys are here. Although I have been having plenty of contractions off and on they are doing nothing to my cervix or causing me to go into labor. So I just sit and wait and watch the clock.

I sent Elliott to Target today to get a few last minute items....bottles, a humidifier, back seat mirror & a nursing cover. So we are completely ready for these babies to get here (if it were only Tuesday).

I have one final doctor appointment on Monday and my pre-admission testing and just can't wait to be comfortable again.

We have had lots of friends and family calling to find out when they can come and visit with me and the babies. I will be in the hospital until Saturday morning so there will be plenty of time. Visiting hours for family/friends are from 1-3 and 7-8....unless you are a grandparent or sibling. I am not sure how strict they are with the visitors but we are asking that you hold off coming to visit until Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. That way if the boys need any NICU time we can be sure that you will get to see them plus I won't be so drugged up. *Disclaimer if Elliott or I have already talked to you about coming Tuesday this does not apply to you.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Please help if you can

I found out the other day that one of the women on my mulitples board is going to loose BOTH of her beautiful little girls due to a very rare and untreatable genetic disorder. There is a link to the left to donate money to her family to help them through this very difficult time in their lives. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Here is their story and a picture of the girls. . .

I so do not want to write this post...I have five million thoughts swirling in my head. After I post, I think I'm going to take a bump break for a few days so if somebody could bump this on Monday for the working ladies I would appreciate it. Ok, here goes all the junk in my head...sorry for the randomness:
Both girls have been diagnosed with Werdnig-Hoffman disease. Here is the wikipedia article: It is a rare genetic disease that is untreatable. We are going in Monday to test our blood as well to see if it is something we passed down to them or if it was a mutation they experienced.
They have the most severe form. Their lungs are going to slowly give out b/c the muscles will not be able to help them breath anymore. They are both on feeding tubes, oxygen at night and monitors. They will never be able to sit up or hold their heads up b/c their muscles just can't take it. They might never talk b/c they have to choose between using their energy to breath or to do other things and they instinctively know to breath. Their brains are fine and they do so well interacting with us and each other. They love to be read to and have toys in front of them, they just can't reach them and hold on to them to play with them on their own.
Jake and I are going to have to decide how far we want to take this...some babies can make it longer if they're given a trach tube and have a machine breathing for them. At this point we're not sure that we want that kind of life for our sweet babies. We have a lawyer friend who is going to help us draw up living wills so we don't need to make those decisions under emotional distress. I am going to look into taking a leave of absence from work to be with them, but we're not sure if we can do that financially at this point.
Our friends have pretty much 'circled the wagons' for us to help us take care of all of the logistical stuff in our lives so we can just be with the girls and enjoy our time with them. We're going to celebrate every moment we have with them. We have decided to not do anything to treat the scoliosis and other issues that they have b/c we don't want to put them through that. I'm not even sure how far we want to take physical therapy at this point b/c we want all of their energy going to breathing.
We are looking into family counseling just to help us deal with all of the millions of thoughts swirling in our heads. Jake is doing really well considering (thanks Lexapro!), I have been a hot mess since we were told. I walked out to the car this morning and just started bawling b/c there was such a beautiful blue sky and my girls won't get enough blue skies.
They are asking us to keep them away from too many people b/c even the slightest cold can do major damage to their lungs. It makes me so sad that they can't enjoy their cousins, they won't know what it's like to walk or swim or taste candy, there won't be huge cell phone bills and driving lessons and wedding plans.
Ok, I think that's all I can write for now...I need to compose myself. Thank you all so much for thinking of our family; your friendship has helped so much during all of this!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Still Pregnant

I am at 35.5 weeks pregnant! What an accomplishment. My next goal is to make it to my scheduled c-section in 2 weeks.

I had a growth scan yesterday and everything looked good. Baby A (Logan) has an est. weight of 4lbs 15oz and Baby B (Dylan) has and est. weight of 5lbs. 4oz. We asked the doctor his thoughts if they would get much bigger before the big day and he didn't sound to confident that they would grow much more. So, I came home and washed some of the preemie stuff I was hoping to return.

I have an appointment at the OB tomorrow and a non stress test at the hospital. I have been having lots of trouble walking, standing up and turning from side to side while laying down. I have done some research of my symptoms and think I may have Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) which is when the body releases excess hormones and your pelvic/pubic ligaments and joints stretch too much.

Other than that we have been working a little bit on the nursery and we put the stroller together. Everything else is pretty much ready to go.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Houston we have a birthday

At our last OB appointment we were able to schedule our c-section. We went in with the idea of having the boys born on Feb. 16th, it worked for every one's work and school schedules. Well the doctor told us they could only schedule the surgery on a Tuesday or Thursday. So when we were done with the exam the doctor sent us to meet with the surgery coordinator. As soon as we sat down she told us we could schedule as early as Feb. 10th. Elliott and I looked at each other and said okay the 10th it is! So as long as these little babies don't decide to come before then they will be making their debut in exactly 3 weeks from today.

So with the birthday scheduled we have been kind of rushing to get all the last minute things finished. My mom took me to Babies R Us on Friday afternoon where we spent about 2 hours picking out a stroller and some other little odds and ends. We are now just waiting for the cribs to get here and set them up.

It is really hard to believe that in just 3 short weeks we will be able to hold Logan and Dylan. And I am sure our lives will become even more chaotic then they are already.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's been awhile

What can I say? We have been SUPER busy the last few months I have not had any time to update on what is going on. So here is what we have . . .

We have moved into a bigger house. It is hard getting used to all the extra space we have but once the babies are here I am sure all that space will be gone.

I am now 33 weeks along. Both of the babies are breech and have been for 2 months now. We talked to the doctor at my appointment last week and we decided that we are just going to schedule a c-section. So when we go in for my 34 week appt we will be given a birthdate. Here is what I look like now.

That belly is 42" around and measuring about 37 weeks pregnant. As you can see my shirts don't cover my belly all the way.

At my last growth scan both of the babies looked great! Baby A weighted approx. 3lbs 10oz and baby B weighted approx 3lbs 12oz. The next growth scan is scheduled for Jan. 26th

I am also home on modified bedrest until delivery to avoid preterm labor. So I mostly just sit at home and rest while Nykolas is at school and Elliott is at work.

I have a bunch of ultra sound pictures that I have to scan into the computer so I can post them for everyone to see. I guess that is pretty much it for now.

Monday, October 6, 2008

All is well

We went and looked at both houses on Friday and Sunday. We liked both but the one was a little bit bigger so we are going for it. The listing agent said they didn't think there were any other interested parties so that was in our favor. We completed the application and gave a hold deposit and should know by tomorrow if you are going to be able to move or not. Lets hope so!!

I have been feeling lots of activity the last week. It is kind of neat to know that they are moving around in there. I have 2 doctor appointments this week. Can't wait to see our little bean and burrito again.

Friday, October 3, 2008

On the House Hunt.....Again

So we found out earlier this week that my mom's room mate/friend is moving out. She is going to travel around the country. My mom now needs to sell her house and fast because she can no longer afford to live there on her own. Why don't we just move there you ask? Well the school district kinda sucks and I don't think it is fair to pull Nykolas out of school and away from all of his friends he has had since kindergarten to move him to a sucky school. We will hopefully have the house on the market no later than December and we can off load it quickly. In the mean time Elliott and I are looking for a 3 bedroom place to rent until mom's house is gone, she will then move in with us and we will buy a 4-5 bedroom place or somewhere that has an in-law suite.

I am already stressed out with all of this new stuff going on. I haven't been able to sleep and my mind keeps running numbers through it all day and night. I just want it to be over and for everything to work out quickly. Like before I have to leave work in December. Is there a pill I can take for that?

On the baby side. I am now 19 weeks....just about half way there (if I were to go til 40 weeks). My shower invites have been ordered and Elliott and I started a registry at Babies R Us. We will also be going to WalMart to register for some things too. But we got some really great stuff at the MoM's sale last weekend. I can't wait till we have babies to use it.