Saturday, February 7, 2009

3 more days

Only 3 more days until our boys are here. Although I have been having plenty of contractions off and on they are doing nothing to my cervix or causing me to go into labor. So I just sit and wait and watch the clock.

I sent Elliott to Target today to get a few last minute items....bottles, a humidifier, back seat mirror & a nursing cover. So we are completely ready for these babies to get here (if it were only Tuesday).

I have one final doctor appointment on Monday and my pre-admission testing and just can't wait to be comfortable again.

We have had lots of friends and family calling to find out when they can come and visit with me and the babies. I will be in the hospital until Saturday morning so there will be plenty of time. Visiting hours for family/friends are from 1-3 and 7-8....unless you are a grandparent or sibling. I am not sure how strict they are with the visitors but we are asking that you hold off coming to visit until Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. That way if the boys need any NICU time we can be sure that you will get to see them plus I won't be so drugged up. *Disclaimer if Elliott or I have already talked to you about coming Tuesday this does not apply to you.