Monday, October 6, 2008

All is well

We went and looked at both houses on Friday and Sunday. We liked both but the one was a little bit bigger so we are going for it. The listing agent said they didn't think there were any other interested parties so that was in our favor. We completed the application and gave a hold deposit and should know by tomorrow if you are going to be able to move or not. Lets hope so!!

I have been feeling lots of activity the last week. It is kind of neat to know that they are moving around in there. I have 2 doctor appointments this week. Can't wait to see our little bean and burrito again.

Friday, October 3, 2008

On the House Hunt.....Again

So we found out earlier this week that my mom's room mate/friend is moving out. She is going to travel around the country. My mom now needs to sell her house and fast because she can no longer afford to live there on her own. Why don't we just move there you ask? Well the school district kinda sucks and I don't think it is fair to pull Nykolas out of school and away from all of his friends he has had since kindergarten to move him to a sucky school. We will hopefully have the house on the market no later than December and we can off load it quickly. In the mean time Elliott and I are looking for a 3 bedroom place to rent until mom's house is gone, she will then move in with us and we will buy a 4-5 bedroom place or somewhere that has an in-law suite.

I am already stressed out with all of this new stuff going on. I haven't been able to sleep and my mind keeps running numbers through it all day and night. I just want it to be over and for everything to work out quickly. Like before I have to leave work in December. Is there a pill I can take for that?

On the baby side. I am now 19 weeks....just about half way there (if I were to go til 40 weeks). My shower invites have been ordered and Elliott and I started a registry at Babies R Us. We will also be going to WalMart to register for some things too. But we got some really great stuff at the MoM's sale last weekend. I can't wait till we have babies to use it.