Friday, August 22, 2008

37 weeks to go

But probably really on 33 more weeks. I am officially 13 weeks pregnant today! My morning sickness has gotten worse over the last 2 weeks and it is really starting to suck! I hate getting sick or feeling like I am going to be sick.

This weekend is going to be busy with packing up stuff to put in storage and cleaning around the needs it, Elliott been working the past few weekends so he was not around to help out and I have just been too tired. We are also heading to Elliott's dad's tomorrow evening for a party and then to my girlfriend Jen's on Sunday for bunch (after church). Then it is back to work.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm a bad blogger

So I know I haven't updated in a while...been really busy. So here we go, I will try not to overwhelm you.

We are not moving, at least not until the babies are here. It is too stressful for me to deal with 'losing' houses so we decided to just suck it up and keep on saving so we can just buy a house instead of lease to own.

I have had 2 more appointments in the last 2 weeks. Everything with the babies is going VERY well. They are growing nicely and are active. We have given the babies names...bean (baby A) and burrito (baby B). Here are the latest u/s pictures.

They are laying 'bunk bed' style. Their heart rates are great at 153 bpm and are about 2.5 inches long now.

As for me, I am now in my 'new home' at Limerick and am loving the 8 mile drive to and from work...only 15 minutes each way. It is saving a ton of money on gas which is nice on our wallets.